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My 2nd daughter has worked hard to learn to play the violin well, very encouraging

At first, my daughter just liked to play the violin, even though I already have the full piano and lessons in my house. My daughter had a lot of fun, very hard to learn and practice playing the Violin... Below is Nguyet Thu's performance. I also provide information about violins and types of violins:
Besides the piano and guitar, the violin is also one of the most commonly used instruments in the world. However, the Violin is considered a difficult instrument to play. The reason the Violin is so difficult to play, is partly because of the structure of the violin and the way it is practiced to play. To be able to make sounds on the violin, the player will have to pull the guitar with one hand and press the notes on the violin with the other hand. Violin is also often used in many different genres of music such as: classical symphony orchestra, Jazz music ... To understand more about this instrument, in the following article I will introduce to you the structure. as well as some basic violin genres.
1 - Basic information about Violin: Violin has four strings and each string is produced 5 musical intervals apart, with the average size being: length 60cm, width 20cm. The strings are usually made of a horse's tail, whale fins. However, nowadays Violin strings are usually made of nylon to create better durability and elasticity.
2- Structure of the Violin: Violin's box is made of wood. Violins have the front and back of the case made of spruce; The sides of the guitar and the neck and keyboard are made of pine wood. Violin strings were previously made from the intestines of horses (or buffaloes, cows, sheep). Today, however, violin strings can be made of steel or synthetic materials such as organic glass or carbon fiber. Normally when playing the violin, players have to periodically coat the strings with resin to help increase the friction with the strings. Violin strings are about 75cm long, 3cm wide and weigh about 60g. In the case when the guitar no longer retains the sound and tension when playing, the player needs to change another string.
3 - Basic types of violins
3.1 - Viola: The structure of the Viola is similar to the Violin, but it is larger in size, but it has a vocal range that is 5 musical intervals below that of the Violin. Thus the Viola can play low notes and lower notes. Viola was played a lot in previous centuries, in symphony orchestras. When playing the Viola, the musician has to stretch his arms wider than the Violin.
3.2 - Cello: Cello belongs to the Violin line, but has a much larger size and when playing Cello, the musician must sit and hold the instrument. To play the cello, the player must use a bow to pull the string across the string, causing the strings to vibrate and create a melody based on the resonance of the body.
3.3 - Contrabass: The Contrabass is considered the largest of the Violins and is also the least used. To play this type of instrument, musicians must always stand or sit on high chairs. The contrabass is often played in chamber symphony orchestras.
This article introduced you to the structure and types of Violin. With the desire to bring good values ​​about violin and want to train young generations in the future...

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