My mother taught me cooking first how
The capital Hanoi is Vietnam's international friends know, not just a city of peace and friendly but also by its excellent cuisine. Any girl that Hanoi can also manually do some traditional national dish. As a woman in my family, my mother was aware of the education I became a woman and have to make is. In addition to my teaching skills in each behavior, communication, guide me how I was doing the dishes.
Corn soup
Sunday, too, when the clock on 8:00 am, I awoke with eager hearts. After breakfast, my mother and I went into the kitchen to cook. She taught me from how to get a fresh pot of water bones, taught me how to go shopping, choose meat and vegetables.
Vegetable soup
Under the guidance of caring parents, the food is nice surprise from the desk of my clumsy hands. We chose to do some traditional foods: noodle dishes such as ladders, throwing dishes. These are traditional dishes in the northern delta of Vietnam ...
And the modern cuisine of Europe, such as steak, salad, corn soup .... Cooking mother taught me how to decorate it so attractive and beautiful. The food at my ruin, my mother has always encouraged me and next!
Culinary arts is the essence is made from the hands of talented chefs. We enjoy the special and should not forget those who made it out.
Cuisine is a unique culture of each nation. Each of us has a responsibility to preserve and promote that tradition!
Salmon with vegetables pack
Fiber rice with chicken stew - "Bun Thang"
The following are ingredients for noodle dishes months - is quite sophisticated cuisine and the famous River Delta region of Vietnam:
Ingredients for 6 servings enough:
- Chicken: 1 chicken
- Small dried shrimp: 100 gr
- Duck Eggs: 2 eggs
- Silk Roll: 200 gr
- Pork butt: 300 gr
- Prawn to: 5 shrimp
- Pig bones: 1 kg
- Rice Fiber: 1.5 to 2 kg
- Add shrimp paste, tomato stems, laksa leaves, carrots, fish sauce, chili
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